Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What is Atkins diet?

1) What is the Dr. Atkins Diet?

The Dr. Atkins Diet is the original low carbohydrate diet that all of the current popular low carbohydrate diets are based on. This diet is an extremely high protein, high fat, and low carbohydrate diet.   This diet is based on the fact that the human body (and brain) normally get their energy from carbohydrates.

Therefore, not consuming carbohydrates forces the body to burn stored body fat tissue for energy rather than carbohydrates, and this is exactly why this type of diet is so effective at burning body fat tissue (as opposed to typical diets which cause mostly "water" weight loss).

2) What are the negative aspects of the Dr. Atkins Diet?

Getting used to a zero/low carbohydrate diet is NOT easy. The body and brain get their energy from carbohydrates, and so for a short time dieters will suffer "side effects" or "withdrawal symptoms" while their bodies become accustomed to the low carb diet (which tries to get the body to begin using "fat tissue" for energy instead of "carbohydrates").

The initial side effects (or withdrawal symptoms) that will be experienced while the body gets used to a low carb diet include sleeplessness, irritability, headaches, extreme fatigue, nervousness, hunger for carbohydrates and the like.

3) What are the positive aspects of the Dr. Atkins Diet?

Those who can deal with the initial side effects or withdrawal symptoms (which can last for a couple of weeks) will be rewarded with the fastest fat burning results possible.

4) How much weight loss can dieters expect each week using the Dr. Atkins Diet?

How much weight a person will lose depends on several factors such as "how exact" a person adheres to the Atkins diet and how much excess body fat tissue a person is carrying on their body when they begin this low carb diet.  In general, dieters can expect to lose between 5 and 12 pounds the first week (some of it is "water weight" of course) and 2 pounds per week each week after that.

5) What are some alternatives to the Dr. Atkins Diet?

There are only a couple of diets that even come close to the effectiveness of the Dr. Atkins Diet when it comes to the burning of actual body fat tissue. However, since most people will not be able to handle the initial side effects caused by a low carb diet then the best alternative would be to eat a well balanced diet, while making sure to keep carbohydrates and fats to a minimum.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Losing weight with caveman diet

1) How is the Caveman Diet different from all of the other diets?

The Caveman Diet is not too dissimilar from many popular diets since it is a "high protein", "low carbohydrate", and "low fat" diet.   This type of diet tends to be very effective when it comes to producing weight loss results because the main type of calorie consumed "protein" is not fattening at all (and the two other types of fattening calories, "carbohydrate" and "fats", are kept to a minimum). This diet is different from most other diets because it is based on the eating habits of early man, or "cavemen".   It is based on the eating habits of Cavemen who ate mostly meat from the animals they killed, and who also grazed on fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, etc.

2) Who can benefit most from using the Caveman Diet?

Dieters who are not addicted to carbohydrates would benefit most from the Caveman (Paleolithic) Diet. Unfortunately the average dieter is addicted to carbohydrates (sugars) and cannot go long without indulging in them. The average dieter will likely "give in" to their carb cravings shortly after the first sign of "carb withdrawal side effects" begin to surface (which is usually within the first or second day of the diet).

3) What amount of weight loss can the Caveman Diet produce?

The Caveman Diet can produce weight loss results to the tune of 4-9 pounds during the first week (that includes water weight of course) and a good 1-3 pounds each week thereafter. Weight loss will slow down in the weeks to come (at a pace that depends on how much or little weight a dieter has to lose).

4) How much does the Caveman Diet cost?

It's free. All you have to do is invest some time in figuring out what to eat, that is assuming of course you have a lack of nutritional knowledge. Otherwise, just eat high quality protein sources several times a day and graze on natural carbohydrate sources.

5) Are there any programs better than the Caveman Diet?

Perhaps the Atkins diet is better, but not necessarily they are both good diets.   The Caveman (Paleolithic) Diet is a healthy, well balanced diet and is approximately how the average person would eat if there were no junk foods (or healthy foods) made with fattening starch.  This diet is basically the type of diet ancient humans were meant to consume and so it would be hard to say that there is a better diet to use (except possibly the Atkins diet). However, as mentioned above, this diet is not among the easiest diets to follow because it is not based on eating the sugar-filled foods we have grown addicted to eating. Therefore, some people would find it easier to follow a diet such as Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, or Richard Simmons (diets which are based on a reduction of calories and which still allows dieters to consume the sugar-filled foods they crave).

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Negative aspects of the cabbage soup diet

1) What is the Cabbage Soup Diet?

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a diet based around the idea of consuming  cabbage soup. Dieters can literally eat as much cabbage soup as they like, this is especially true since it contains little to no calories. On certain days (and at certain times) other foods such as fruit, vegetables and beef are allowed to be eaten also.   Therefore, because of this fact the Cabbage Soup Diet is "technically" not a starvation diet -- although it is as close to being a starvation diet as is possible without actually being one.

2) What are the negative aspects of the Cabbage Soup Diet?

Although dieters are allowed to eat as much cabbage soup as they want each day, they will probably not want to eat much of this cabbage soup at all due to its bland taste. Those people who have tried cabbage soup know that it is neither tasty nor filling, it's like eating empty space. Also, because this diet is basically a starvation diet then the actual weight loss that results will be in the form of mostly "water weight" (along with some muscle tissue and some fat tissue). As soon as a dieter quits this diet and begins to eat and drink normally again, the weight lost with this diet will come back in no time.

3) What are the positive aspects of the Cabbage Soup Diet?

Well, this is a tough question to answer. To suggest anything positive about this diet (which is based around the consumption of cabbage soup) may be a difficult thing to do since there are no real positive aspects about the Cabbage Soup diet. It is not a good diet to try.

4) How much weight loss can dieters expect each week using the Cabbage Soup Diet?

Weight loss on this diet will be in the form of mostly "water weight" and muscle tissue, with only limited amounts of actual fat tissue being lose.  A dieter could possibly lose weight at the rate of 5-10 pounds the first week, since it's mostly water weight being lost and not real fat tissue. After the first week all weight loss would come to a halt because the body would realize that it is being "starved" and so it would begin to hold onto its fat tissue by slowing down your metabolism (for survival purposes).  This is commonly known as reaching a dieting "plateau".

5) What are some alternatives to the Cabbage Soup Diet?

Any diet is a better alternative to the Cabbage Soup Diet, in fact, just about any diet ever developed is probably a better alternative to this diet.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Are bowflex machines safe for losing weight

1) What is the Bowflex Machine?

The Bowflex is a home exercise machine that uses power rods for resistance instead of the typical free weights or weight stacks attached to a system of cables. The Bowflex is an affordable all-in-one exercise machine that allows users to train every muscle group of the body (biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, back, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, abdominals, etc.). This is unusual in the field of home exercise machines because in the past people would be forced to either join a health club or purchase a room full of exercise equipment in order to have the same variety of exercises.

2) What are the negative aspects of the Bowflex Machine?

It is a little pricey for the average person, who is probably on a tight budget. The basic model starts at around $1,000 and the top end model starts around $2,200.

3) What are the positive aspects of the Bowflex Machine?

Although the Bowflex is a little pricey for the average person (who is on a tight budget), customers are allowed to pay off their Bowflex machine in monthly installments that are typically less expensive than the average health club monthly membership payment. Plus, there is no more dealing with overcrowded health clubs, and the Bowflex does not take up much space.

4) How much weight loss can dieters expect each week using the Bowflex Machine?

Assuming a dieter's diet remains the same, little to no weight loss results can be expected -- because training the muscles of the body with resistance does NOT burn fat. Training the muscles of the body will make the muscles tighter and stronger, but won't necessarily burn any noticeable amount fat. For noticeable weight loss results the Bowflex must be used in conjunction with a healthy nutritional program.

5) What are some alternatives to the Bowflex Machine?

For its price and for the variety of exercises that can be performed, the Bowflex Machine is hard to beat. However, there are plenty of companies who now have imitation Bowflex exercise machines that are not quite up to the same standards, but are much less expensive and well worth the investment.

How to lose weight with ab machines

1) What are Ab Machines?

Ab machines, also known as abdominal exercise machines, are simple little gadgets used to align the body and make performing crunches, sit-ups, leg raises and the like easier. Using an abdominal exercise machine for as little as 3-5 minutes per night (as advertised) will make anyone's abdominal muscles tighter and stronger. However, this is not the same as actually "losing weight", because tightening the abdominal muscles and losing fat are two different things.

2) What are the negative aspects of Ab Machines?

None really, unless these machines are being used by overweight people who are attempting to lose weight and burn fat. Abdominal exercise machines can only help tighten and strengthen the abdominal muscles, but they cannot produce any noticeable weight loss or fat burning.

3) What are the positive aspects of Ab Machines?

They make strengthening and tightening the abdominal muscles much easier and help to reduce the risk of a lower back injury, due to bad form often used during free sit-ups or crunches.

4) How much weight loss can dieters expect each week using Ab Machines?

Zero weight loss can be expected each week using ab machines because they have nothing to do with losing weight.

5) What are some alternatives to Ab Machines?

A good all around nutritional program which is based on an increase in the consumption of "protein" (and a decrease in the consumption of both "fats" and "carbohydrates").